
I went for a creation that was inspired a lot by tourism and the advertising industry of a few decades ago. New Zealand has had a shaky history in the industry, advertising one thing when the reality is a stark contrast. Bold colours, with less emphasis on outlines (and no black ones), a more yellow hued pallet and textured feel (all inspired by Alphonse Mucha and Tahiti tourism artworks) really helped sell it as old school advertising. Paired with some custom fonts you might find on a corny American post card to finish off the piece. The idea that Bill wants to use an attractive girl in an attractive setting to pull you in, and then keeps trying to sell you the setting with the same girl, despite the obvious pollution and motifs of death and sickness parallels his intents as stated in the article.
Where Bill says he wants to make NZ rivers clean and swimmable again soon, what he intends to do is change the standards around what "clean" and "swimmable" means. Trying to sell us the same s*@t by simply telling us it isn't s*@t anymore.
